Our Process

A confidential valuation that makes sense

As a business owner, you want good information quickly from a trusted source to help you decide how much your company may be worth. The Valhalla Group’s process is more detailed than online valuation tools and much less expensive than traditional valuation services. Further, the process is confidential from start to finish and you are interviewed and evaluated by actual deal managers that look at your company through the eyes of a buyer and have experience advising clients on over $300 Million in deals.

What does it cost?

After an initial consultation to see if we can help you, (we are not a good fit for all companies) a flat fee of $3,500 – $5,000 is charged for our process. We execute a mutual NDA and then request Income Statements and Balance Sheets for the last three years. We then schedule a comprehensive interview to better understand your business relative to industry trends. The company is evaluated on our proprietary system to help determine a range of value for the company. When the valuation is ready, we will schedule another confidential video call to relay the findings and explain what factors helped or hurt the valuation. Additionally, we will provide insight into what strategic initiatives will increase your value in the eyes of potential buyers.

Ready to schedule a call?

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation online now

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